Friday, February 18, 2011

Busy Day in the House of Representatives

Via Drudge:

House votes to overthrow 'czars'...

House blocks health care law funds...

Votes to defund Planned Parenthood...

Blocks 'net neutrality' funds...

It's a good start, but my question is, when are they going to vote to defund Obama?


DCGere said...

“A large number of the czars would have been called czarinas in the old days,” Frank said. “So I appreciate the fact that we’ve gotten past sex stereotyping of people.” Does this guy think about anything besides sex?

Yeah, good day today. Defund Obama, can't come soon enough!

Dave said...


LOL - I don't think he can.

Yeah, its time to see some real cuts - cuts that will make a difference.

My fear is the repubs are still flirting with reaching across the aisle, and that is what got us in this sorry fix to begin with.


When liberty is taken away by force it can be restored by force. When it is relinquished voluntarily by default it can never be recovered. -Dorothy Thompson