Tuesday, January 25, 2011

If Dave were giving the SOTU speech:

My fellow Americans, the state of the union currently sucks, and it sucks worse as each day (hour?) passes.

The state of our union will continue to deteriorate until Barack Hussein Obama has been bounced out of office, and his hideous policies have been reversed in their entirety.

We can either do that now, or we can wait until November of 2012 comes around, and hope we will have acted in time to save this republic as it was founded.

This is one case where good things are not going to come to those who wait.

Thank you, and may God bless America.


Rebecca said...

LOL, Dave.
SOTU speech....S*!t Obama Tells Us.

Toneyuki said...

Hopefully Dave will be giving the real SOTU in 2013!
The only new government agency formed after that would be The official Troll Hunting academy.

Dave said...

Thanks for stopping by, friends.

And I swear, we aren't finished yet.

I hope.


DCG said...

At least your speech makes more sense than the political BS this commie spews...

When liberty is taken away by force it can be restored by force. When it is relinquished voluntarily by default it can never be recovered. -Dorothy Thompson